Goals for Pepper Scraps

More Videos

As you can I’m starting right off doing more video for Pepper Scraps. This video is a little rambling, but I think I hit most of the points.


  • Use my phone or videos
  • Don’t worry about kids in the background
  • Don’t worry about a perfect house

More Challenges

I tried doing more challenges this year, but with so many changes in my personal life it was hard to keep up. I was not really sure if you wanted more challenges or even liked the challenges, but then I read Jeanie’s post about her SMART goals.


  • Get other people/bloggers involved
  • Have a challenge schedule
  • Find out from you what challenges would you like to see?

Social Media

I looked at my stats for the year and I’m really seeing that I don’t get very much traffic from Facebook. Even though I worked hard on growing people just are not connected on Facebook Pages. So I’m shifting my focus to Google+ & Pinterest.


  • Meet new people on Google+
  • Become a hangouts expert
  • Redo my photos to make more Pinteresting

Goals for Pepper

Get back to Onederland (under 200lbs) & get to 170 by 12/31/2014

How Activity:

  • Track my activity for 1 week & increase next week
  • Ride bike in morning when hubby goes on walk

How Nutrition:

  • Get in to get blood tests done to check vitamins
  • Keep my food journal on My Fitness Pal
  • Menu Plan every week (consider monthly menu planning next month)

How Accountability:

  • Keep accountable with TJ
  • Join a group of bloggers on Facebook

This is as far as I have gotten with my personal goals. I keep wanting to make more, but we are looking at a big change in our lives next week. TJ will be switching to swing shift, so our lives will be turned upside down. I will need to learn how to meal plan for our new schedules, I will have to figure out what our schedules will be like.

I have 2 questions for you:

What are your goals and how can Pepper Scraps help you?

What kind of challenges would you like to participate in?

Examples: Get Moving Challenge, #64ozchallenge, 31 Days of Thanks, Food Challenge

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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