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Android Family

Disorganized? 5 Organization Apps for Android

I’m in a constant battle with organization. The harder I try the more disorganized I become. Or at least that’s the way I feel. I’m sure that at times you feel the same way. I will be sharing some of my favorite organizational apps that have helped me on my Android Iconia Tablet and my Android phone.

Action Method


Action Method is a project management tool I found to use for my business, but I’ve also quickly found I love using it for my other to do lists. I think I like it because you can view your tasks in so many different ways. You can view your tasks by project, by when they are due, or by color.

I think I also enjoy Action Method because it is very visually appealing and to me that helps with the overwhelmed factor I get as I stare at my to do lists as they grow. The app also auto syncs to your phone, your desktop application, the online version and your tablet with no worries.

I’ve used Remember the Milk in the past and enjoyed it, but I just didn’t really feel like it was worth the yearly fee to use it on my phone. With Remember the Milk I would still run into the issue of feeling overwhelmed with how much there was to do. Plus you can’t really try out the app without paying the fee as far as I’m aware.

After using the free version of Action Method for my business on my phone, tab and computer I chose to buy the yearly subscription. I had used it for 3-6 months before buying it and I was a heavy user since it was used for my business projects. I think a casual user may not even have to buy the subscription.

Another feature that I haven’t used is task sharing. You can easily share tasks with people and keep on top of what they are working on and what you need from them.



ColorNote has been one of my all time favorite apps. I use it for organizing everything in my life. I can do anything from make quick to do lists to keep track of prayer requests. I use it for blogging a lot, but I will be talking more about that in my blogging app post.

When you make a ColorNote you can choose to either make a text note or a checklist. You can then write your note and choose a color for it. I have been known to color code my notes for different things like blogging = blue, family= orange, church = purple, urgent = red, and so on. You have 8 colors to choose from. The best part is you can stick your notes on your home screen as an instant reminder or for instant access!

I also just found out they have a calendar feature that they just added which I’m so excited to try out!!

Evernote or Springpad

I was using Evernote, but I have found that with how disorganized I am this is only feeding the Disorganization Monster. I never got really good at using their notebook/tag setup so everything is just jumbled into one notebook. Most don’t have tags because it is hard to add those on the android app. They do have a great search on the web so that is what I mainly use.

It also drives me crazy that I have to login ever week on their website, log me in and keep me logged in!

Today I decided to try SpringPad. But because I haven’t had a real chance to use it (Zane just stole my tab), I wanted to mention both of these apps to you. I saw the video SpringPad has posted at the market and it looks like you can change the notebook and tags easily from the screen you are adding the note. Evernote you have to jump from the notes screen to a separate screen to add tags.

The thing that really sold me for SpringPad is it looks like it is incredibly easy to go from saving a link or note to sharing it on twitter or facebook (maybe G+ if I’m lucky). Right now with Evernote I’m saving it to Evernote then have to go into the online site, copy the link and then share it on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest. There may be an easier way to do this from the Evernote app, but I haven’t had the time to figure it out.



This is not my favorite app, but it is the best Pomodoro Technique app that I’ve found that works on a tablet. I find the color scheme annoying as others have mentioned in reviews and it doesn’t fit perfectly on my tab screen, but it works.

If you haven’t tried Pomodoro Technique I highly recommend it. I have just started it, I’m not an expert, I haven’t even read the huge manual I found on it, but just jumping in and doing it so far has helped with my “to do list anxiety”.

The basic idea is that you take your to do list and you work on one activity for 25 minutes then take a break and repeat until you have your to do list handled.

I tend to try and multitask but usually find myself overwhelmed and feel like I haven’t gotten anything done. With Pomodoro I get more done, I feel more focused and seeing the tasks crossed off my list keeps me motivated.

Right now I’m using an awesome application on my computer called Pomodairo. I also love that this particular program lets me make a short to do list. I have been putting my Most Important Tasks here so that I know I at least get 3 of the basic tasks for the day done.


I don’t use this app any longer on my tab or phone. But with my experience I know that some of the basic calendars on Android devices can be hard to use or just ugly. If you are looking for a good replacement of the calendar that came on your phone or tablet I would recommend Jorte. This app does take a little setup but it has lots of options and you can make it work with you and your style.

Any Suggestions?

I’m always looking for new and better ways to get organized do you have any app suggestions?

A Craft a Day

A Craft a Day: G is for Garden

This week is all about dinosaurs and I found way too many fun ideas!! My list was overflowing with great crafts!

If you are new to A Craft a Day

A Craft a Day gives you five activities that you can enjoy with your kids, one for each day of the week.  Most of these activities work well for preschoolers, but you may be able to adapt them for your toddler. If you want to learn more about the basics of A Craft A Day you can find them at a Craft a Day: Coming Back Soon. I will post the crafts on Saturdays so you can use the weekend to get any supplies that you may need. We are making our way through the alphabet this year so if you missed a you can find it here.

Are you Supermom?

Now I’m not supermom and I don’t expect you to be either. We don’t always get to each activity, sometimes life is just too busy. Hopefully you may try one or two of these activities with me and my kids! You don’t have to do every single one. You don’t have to be doing preschool with your child. I just hope to give you a resource for some great fun with your kids!

The Crafts:

  • Growing a Garden Healthy Snack – You probably don’t know but I love bunnies, we actually have a pet rabbit who lives upstairs with us. When I saw this snack I instantly grabbed up the link to use for this weeks snack.

garden snack

  • Terrific Terrariums – I got everything we needed, which took a bit because I wanted to find the perfect container. I finally bought one at Ikea and settled with glass since I couldn’t find anything clear plastic. As you can see this project ended up as a big FAIL for me.

fail: terrarium

  • DIY Veggie Garden Sensory Box – I loved this idea as soon as I saw it. Zarek is a very touchy feely child, I can tell by the fact he loves smearing anything and everything on walls and tables. I thought he would love this project and he really did!


  • Bean Sprout Science – Another example of not being supermom, we didn’t get a chance to do this activity, but we may try it another day.
  • Foam Caterpillar – These were tons of fun, I only have pictures of the after product since our neighbor girl came over to do this craft with us and I’m very respectful of photographing others children. But let’s say it was tons of fun, but way to quick!

Supplies: Bunny Crackers, Grapes, Cheese, Chocolate Chips, Flower Cookie Cutter (or you can freehand it), wide clear container, pebbles, activated carbon (pet store), soil, stones, moss, small plants, cookie sheet or small flat container, paper towels, beans, tub, black beans, printable garden tags, egg carton, pipe cleaners, paint, paint brushes, garden toys, practice foam golf balls, craft foam, skewer, permanent marker, wire

Be Featured

If you do any of these crafts and happen to take a picture or write a blog post about it please make sure and share your link in the comments. Also don’t forget to link the original crafter! I may feature you and your blog  on the following weeks post!

Blogging How to Start a Blog

8 Tips to Conquer the Fear of Change

We have talked a lot about how you can change your blog for the better including: Logo, Header, Blog Posts, and Sidebar. But now lets talk about how to handle this change. How to conquer the fear of change.

Change can be scary. You may be thinking “I don’t know where to start” or “I don’t want to change anything” but deep down you know it’s time. How do you deal with this anxiety?


Start at the hardest part. Make yourself relax. Sit back with a cool drink and just take a deep breath. Change isn’t always bad, change can be great!

If you change nothing, nothing will change.

Sit Back

If you can’t seem to get yourself to relax then it’s time to sit back. Experts will always tell you the best way to deal with a creative block is to step away and work on something else. Give your mind a break and come back to the problem later.

Don’t use this as an excuse to procrastinate.

Take a break for an hour or a day, but no more than that. Schedule your break and schedule when you are going to work on your site.


When sitting back take some time to doodle. You can doodle your thoughts about your web design or just doodle for fun. If you are not artistic just pull out a pen and paper and try it, you may be surprised at what you may come up with.

Doodling helps with focus, concentration, and helps to tap into the problem solving part of your mind. Even though you feel like what your doing is mindless, your mind is at work.

Browse the Web

Take some time and look at the trends. Take notes about things you like or don’t like. You can even use a service like Evernote to clip the website URL or the image of the page and make notes right on your computer.

Some great places to browse for inspiration are CSS galleries. You can find the most current trends and the leading edge designs. A few of my favorite galleries are: The Best DesignsBest Web GalleryBlog Design Heroes and The Design Inspiration. Or if you want a full list of web galleries CSS Gallery Submission keeps a great updated list.

Read a Magazine or a Book

Nothing starts your creative juices flowing like reading a magazine or book. I’ve talked about using magazines in the past to find great headlines, but I also use them for design inspiration too. This is a great way to find amazing color schemes, unique layout ideas, and find beautiful typography.

You don’t have to be looking for inspiration as you read, you can just read to relax too. But you may find as your brain starts working on your magazine and book that it starts an overflow of ideas.

Visit a Competitor

Now it’s time to really dive in deep to get some inspiration to improve your site. Visit you competitors in your niche. I do not want you to steal there ideas or copy them the goal is to outshine them.

I want you to see what they are doing as an encouragement to yourself to do things better. Figure out what can make you stick out from the crowd.

Create Lists

Sit back and look at your site and really decide what you are comfortable changing and what you really want to keep the same. This way you know you can hold onto the things you really want to.

This will help with your comfort level with the changes, give you a feeling of control. Sometimes we are concerned about change because we feel like we are losing control. Overcome this feeling by making yourself a list of what you want to change, what your okay with changing, and what must stay the same.

Another way lists can help you is by making lists of sites that you like and why you like them. Be as detailed as possible. Especially if you are going to hire a designer. This can be a great conversation starter with your designer. Also you can use this to tell if the designer you are hiring is comfortable with the style you want to achieve.

Talk to an Expert

You don’t have to take this step, but you might find that you are more comfortable with the idea of change when you have talked to an expert. When you know your site is in good hands you can sit back relax and enjoy seeing the creative process of a professional.

Find someone that is willing to talk with you and that you enjoy interacting with. The more you can talk with your designer and the more they seem to “click” with you the more they will be able to do for you. It takes a  relationship for a designer to take your ideas and put them on “paper” for you.


Change always leads to something great. You will grow and you will learn. Take grasp of this chance for something greater for you and your web site!

Have you had anxiety when changing your web site? What helped you with dealing with fears of change? Have you had bad experiences with change? How about good experiences? 



Garden Sensory Box

I have considered doing a sensory box for the boys before. With the weather not warming up in Oregon I decided this is the best time. I found this great DIY sensory box that fit this weeks theme of gardening. Since the boys have been having fun playing in the dirt of late, boys will be boys, I thought that this would be perfect.

Modern Parents Messy Kids has such great directions I will just share our photos from the project!












Have you tried sensory boxes before for your kids? What did they think of them?



Android Family

6 Android Apps for Preschoolers

Last week I shared 5 Basic Android Apps you must have. This week we will be talking about 5 great preschool apps that you will want to add to your phone or tablet for your kids.

Zane, my 4 year old, has sleeping problems and for a while he was waking up at 3am. We tried everything we could do to try and get him back to sleep, but it just wasn’t working. To the point of exhaustion we gave up and would take him downstairs and snuggle with him as he watched cartoons. But when we got our first tablet, I had a great idea. Instead of taking him downstairs I would let him play games on my Galaxy Tablet while snuggling in bed.

Kid Mode

If you are going to add one kids game to your phone or tablet Kids Mode is the one to add! You enter your child’s date of birth and the app will pull games and videos from all over the web that are age appropriate for your child. You will get games and videos from Disney, Nickelodeon, PBS, YouTube and more. The only thing you have to remember is you do have to have a internet connection for this game to work

Toddler Lock

This was one of the first apps I ever put on my phone. This is aimed more at younger children, but even Zane likes to play with it sometimes. This app locks your buttons so your children cannot accidentally get into something you don’t want them to. Toddler Lock then lets them draw in colorful lines and shapes and as they draw your phone or tablet will make pretty bell tones. This is great for even the littlest of children you trust with your phone.

Zebra Paint

This is one of the first painting app I added to my phone and it has been one of my sons favorites. I’ve tried other coloring apps, but really this has been the best. I thought that changing the colors would be complicated for Zane, but he proved me wrong. With this paint program you just pick your picture, your color and then each section fills with color as you touch it. Zane has a habit of enjoying coloring the whole page one color.

Kids Connect the Dots

This is a great app to help your child work on there numbers and counting. I like this companies other apps, though the lite versions are more obvious on their limitations. On the alphabet one you only get up to letter H. I’m really considering buying the full version of these.

5 Pumpkins


This isn’t just one app but a series of apps that are just great! They may not be as flashy as Kids Connect the Dots but Five Pumpkins apps are full from A to Z. These were the first educational apps I had on my phone and I love that they grow with the children. They have very basic beginner skills like colors and shapes but they also do letters and numbers and then they have sight words and days of the week and months!

Grow Free

I didn’t want to just give you educational apps for our kids, it’s good to offer them some fun sometimes too. We actually have the full version of Grow, but we got it free on the Amazon App Store. Zane has a fishing game he likes too, but I asked him which he liked best and he said he likes grow the best. You basically move your fish around the fishbowl eating fish that are smaller than you and avoid bigger fish. As you eat fish you grow and once you are big enough you can start eating the bigger fish.

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox ($1.99)

This is a pay only app, again we got it free from the Amazon App Store, but I really like it. It’s a mixture of different kids on matching, color, number games. Every time you get the answer right the monkey will jump and eek at you. I think one reason I like this app is that it also works on listening skills. You have to listen to what you need to do at each level. This is something I’m really working on with Zane.


I hope you find these apps useful and enjoy teaching your children through a great tool as your phone or tablet. Let me know how your children enjoy these apps too! Next week I will be sharing some more apps so if you want to stay connected you can subscribe to PepperScraps in your reader or you can get it straight to your email subscribe to PepperScraps by email!

What are some of the apps you have tried with your kids? Do you have a favorite app? I would love to have some more for Zane!


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