Last week I came out and told you, my lovely readers, that I had made the decision to have Weight Loss Surgery. I started doing my research last year, but we decided due to deductibles we would do the surgery after the new year. Because our insurance company was changing on the new year I was in limbo. I just continued to research my options and more information about the surgery.

Step 1: Calling the Insurance Company

After the new year we called our insurance company to find out the requirements for them to cover the procedure (as much as they will as we are on a High Deducible Plan) and what I had to do on my part.

Our insurance requires:

  • A BMI over 40 (or 35 if I had certain conditions)
  • 6 months of professional documentation of diet
  • no smoking (which I don’t)

I haven’t shared my weight yet, but I will share my BMI: 47.1 .  That makes me morbidly obese, which to say that is pretty devastating.

I’m perfectly happy with the 6 months of diet. If I could just learn to change my habits and find a way to eat that would help me lose weight I would be happy. But I’m doubting this will happen after so many attempts.

Step 2: Finding My Doctor

After making sure our insurance would still let me do the surgery the next step was to decide where to go. I actually had a pretty good idea. We have a local weight loss clinic in Portland that I have heard about a lot. One thing I was really excited about with the new insurance company was that OWLS was going to be an option for me to go to.

Step 3: Online Seminar

The first step with OWLS is to sign up for a seminar for them to teach you more about the surgeries. I did one of their online seminars. It took me about 45 minutes to go through the three videos and take the quizzes. One reason this may have been so quick is I had already done my own research about the surgeries and new the answers pretty well. I didn’t miss one question.

They explained Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, and Gastric Banding. They also talked about the pros and cons and complications of these three options.

Step 4: Application

I have to say that the application for the procedure was the most eye opening thing I have done so far. It asked a lot of questions about back pain, joint pain, and more things that are complications of weight. I had really never thought about all the things that I have issues with just because of my weight.

I have to say I was very proud of myself for sending off my application. This was a big step and I did it. Sometimes it’s hard for me to make big decisions like this but I finally made my self. Yes I was a month past when I said I would do it, but I got it in!

To Be Continued…

I have gotten my answer back from OWLS and if you would like to find out what the response was I hope you will subscribe to my feed or come back next week. If you have any questions please feel free and leave them in the comments and I will answer them for you.

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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