It’s funny to think of the things that we take for advantage. Like the fact that we know walking is faster than crawling or how to use a fork. It is amazing the things you learn from your children. And I am loving every moment of it, I love seeing the world through new eyes.

Speaking of which my silly little boy loves to “use” a fork and is thrilled when I give him one. Actually sometimes that is the only way I can get him to eat. But as you can see he has no idea how to use his fork:

Got my Fork

Fingers are easier

Shoving it in.

He will hold his fork but continue to use his hands. Because you know they just work better. And now he will pick up the food stuff it in his mouth and then stuff the fork in. It’s so fun to watch.

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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