Printable Chore Charts and Attititude Charts with Washi Clothes Pins
Printable Chore Charts and Attititude Charts

Time to get back into the hang of things for the school year. For us that meant I needed to spruce up our chore charts and our attitude charts. When my boys get home from school it’s hard to get them into the swing of things unless we have a set system for them.

Our Chore Chart

When the boys get home from school it helps to have a visual reminder on what our routine is. They can go to their chore chart and move their pins down as they go and if they lose focus I can point them to the chart.

Our Attitude Chart

I created the attitude chart when I saw that a lot of teachers were using the same thing in their classes. My boys need a visual reminder of when their behavior was not acceptable. They can lose attitude points for different kinds of bad behavior and to earn back the points they have to either do extra homework or an extra chore.

They can also earn attitude points when I see them doing something great like being nice to their brother or helping out without being asked.

Free Printable Chore & Attitude Chart

In this PDF you have 4 versions of the chore and attitude chart.

  • Creeper Style (For those Minecraft Fans) with “Hang Backpack”
  • Creeper Style with “Pick up Room” (for those who may homeschool)
  • Regular Font with “Hang Backpack”
  • Regular Font with “Pick up Room”

Get Free Printable Charts


How to Make the Washi Clothes Pins for the Charts

Click the images below to see step by step photos

Step 1: Place Washi tape on clothes pin

Step 2: Use nail file to file the edges of the tape and clothes pin

Step 3: Tear off the excess washi tape

Step 4: Write the names of your children with a Sharpie pen

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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