If you use twitter, sometimes you may feel a little overwhelmed. Here are just a few tools that may help you learn more about twitter and use it to it’s full potential.

  1. HootSuite – This is one of my favorite tools to use to watch my feed. You can create multiple columns to watch certain trends or hashtags. You can use it for multiple accounts. Also if you want to schedule tweets this is an awesome tool also. Don’t forget you can automatically shorten urls and you can track your stats through hootsuite.
  2. Klout – “The Klout Score is the measurement of your overall online influence.” This is one awesome tool to use to see if you are really influencing your circle of followers and if you are following the right people. Has some amazing analyzing tools. I’m a 29, what’s your Klout?
  3. BlastFollow – If you are participating in a twitter party or an event and it has a hash tag then you can use this tool to follow everyone who has tweeted with that hash tag.
  4. Twapper Keeper – Have the desire to reference a hashag and keep the tweets from that hashtag forever. Check out Twapper Keeper you can create an archive of any hashtag you want.
  5. Friend or Follow – Are you following too many people who aren’t following you? Or do you like to make sure you are following those who are following you? Then this is the tool for you. You can filter through three different options and clean out your follow list.
  6. StrawPoll – StrawPoll is a way to poll your followers and find an answer to a question you might have. This would be a great tool if you have a business twitter account and you want to know more about your customers. Or what a fun way to get your followers to get involved and interact with them.
  7. Twitter Tools – This is a must have plugin with wordpress. You will be able to show your last tweets, how ever many you want to show, auto-tweets your blog posts, and you can update your tweets from your blog.
  8. Twitter Counter – Want to show off how many followers you have check out this tool. Plus it is customizable to blend into your layout.
  9. Tweet Chat – If you like to join in on the fun at twitter parties then this is a must tool. Tweet Chat lets you enter a hashtag and follow it. But it helps you beyond that. When you sign in everytime you update the hashtag is automatically added for you. You can change the speed of the updates, so get real time or have a delay. When you scroll down it will pause the feed for you. And you can highlight people to be able to watch them closer in the feed.
  10. Tweet Grid – Tweet grid is another tool you can use for a twitter party. If you like to have multiple columns then this is a good option. Have one open for the hashtag, one for mentions, and one or multiple for the host of the party.

Did I miss a must have twitter tool? I would love to hear about a tool that you have found works for you!

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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