We are continuing our series on how to cook what is in season. So far I’ve been loving gathering these amazing recipes and putting them into one resource for you. I hope you are enjoying it also!

Before we jump into the recipes I have to share this tool. I love mine:

It’s a Pineapple Corerand well worth the $10 on Amazon!

Side Dishes

Soups & Salads



Want more? Check out more pineapple recipes on:

A lot of the above recipes are with canned but you can easily substitute fresh!

Do you prefer canned pineapple or fresh? 


Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

More about Pepper >>