One of the best ways to build a habit is to do it for 30 days straight. In July we had the 30 day Water Challenge. August we will be focusing on getting moving with the 30 Get Moving Challenge.

Last August I was a hard plateau on my weightloss, so I decided to make a goal to do at least 15 minutes of activity everyday for August. The results were great I got out of my plateau, but I also got a new appreciation for exercise. I actually started looking forward to getting moving everyday.

What is the 30 Get Moving Challenge?

The challenge is to do at least 15 minutes of activity every day for 30 days. You can do cardio, strength training or just go for a walk. But the idea is to add some activity to each day for the 30 days.

Only 15 Minutes?

If 15 minutes doesn’t seem very much for you and your activity level then change the goal to 30 minutes. This challenge is great because you can change it to your activity level and your skills. Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise routine.

What if I Miss A Day?

That’s okay just double your activity the next day and make it up.

Let’s Encourage Each Other!

Use Twitter:

  • Check in throughout your day using the hash tag #GetMovingChallenge
  • Tweet your progress during the day
  • Follow the #GetMovingChallenge hashtag to help encourage each other
  • I will be tweeting random workouts/challneges everyday for you to try so make sure and follow me (@unicornbeauty)!

Use Pepper Scraps Facebook Page:

  • Find a new workout idea or challenge each day
  • Have a daily checkin
  • Encouraging quotes and photos

Please Share the Challenge with Others

Feel free and download the banner above. Or use the button below and link it back to this page! The more who join the more fun it will be. Invite your friends so they can help you stay accountable!

Sign up for news about this challenge and future challenges:

So Are You Ready for the Challenge?

Quickly sign up in the comments.

Share why you want to join, where you found the challenge and where others can connect with you (twitter, facebook, blog, and/or myfitnesspal!)

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

More about Pepper >>