We have always said nightly prayers with Zane since he’s been in his own bed at 6 months old. We always have done pretty much the same prayer. “Good night Lord Jesus, take good care of me tonight, bring me good dreams, take care of my mommy and bring my daddy home safe, In Jesus’ Name Amen.” When we new Zarek was on his way we added him to the prayer also. “Take care of my mommy and baby brother.”

As soon as Zane could say “Amen” he would say it at the end. Sometimes he refused if he was grumpy, but soon learned that prayers always happened even if we were grumpy so I now always get an Amen.

Recently though I realizing that if he can recite twinkle twinkle and bits of ABCs he should be able to say his own prayers. So now we are working at teaching him how to say his prayers. He doesn’t say the sentences fully. But he can say, “Good Night Jesus, Take care Me, Good Dreams, Take Care of Mommy, Baby Zarek, Daddy Home Safe, Amen.” It’s been fun watching him feel proud as he says his own prayers.

Tonight though he took off, which made me smile. I had been afraid it may become a little just repeating the words but tonight he said a great prayer. “Good Night Jesus, Take Care Me, Good Dreams, Take Care of Mommy, And Baby Zarek…Zarek Sleeping…Zarek Good Dreams Firetrucks.” I asked him if he wanted baby Zarek to have good dreams about firetrucks and he said yes.  I started him back to bring daddy home safe. And he added “Granny Safe” Oh yes and granny safe too. 🙂 And he gave a big Amen at the end. His little boy prayers just warmed my heart and brought a big smile to my face. And I am sure baby Zarek will have good dreams about firetrucks tonight. 🙂

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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