putting the pieces of life back together

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Breakfast Healthy Recipes

Making Oatmeal Fun


We are going to be trying to eat more oatmeal this year. It’s filling, inexpensive and you can still make it fun.

Reading Kari’s post really encouraged me in going the oatmeal breakfast morning. I won’t be going full blown into the non-quick oats, just because I have lots of oatmeal packets I have gotten very cheap on clearance and well I’m good at burning everything. The microwave is my friend!

Now I did make sure and find the lowest sugar content possible on the packets. I was happy to find Quacker Weight Control oatmeal. I looked through the ingredients and  the only difference on these is lower sugar and more fiber! They have lower sugar than the Quacker Low Sugar oatmeal. I was able to find them at the grocery discount store for a $1 a box. I know not quite as good as 45 cents a pound but for me this is a start.

I am probably switching to bulk quick oats when I run out of packets, but I haven’t decided if I will make my own packets with snack baggies or just scoop it out. We will see how domestic I am at that point.

Now on to how to make oatmeal fun! I love making food fun and cute, remember my bento phase? I don’t make the oatmeal fun everyday, but for special days like holidays I do go all out.

Let’s make it fun with color!

One fun way to add a little pizazz to your oatmeal is color sugar. You can make all kinds of shapes. I did this special bowl on Valentine’s Day. This does add sugar to your breakfast one reason I only do it on special occasions.

Step 1: Make your oatmeal


Step 2: Cut out a shape from paper, I made a heart.

Step 3: Place paper on oatmeal, as close to the oatmeal as possible.


Step 4: Sprinkle with colored sugar


St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and cutting a shamrock out of paper isn’t that hard.

What are some ways you dress up your oatmeal? What is your favorite oatmeal?

Healthy Recipes Snacks

Zane’s First Recipe

Zane’s First Recipe: Ants Under Rocks


  • Graham Crackers
  • Raisins and/or Craisins
  • Peanut Butter
  • Banana


1. Break graham crackers apart

2. Spread peanut butter

3. Stick raisins into peanut butter

4. Slice banana and place on top of raisins

5. Enjoy!!



Baking Healthy Recipes

Muffin Madness

Last year I was making some banana bread but once I had everything made up I realized I had no bread pan. (FYI,this is a very me thing to do.) So I looked through my pans and found a muffin tin and that was the beginning of my muffin madness. I now try and keep …

Healthy Recipes

Menu Plan for Dummies (aka Me)

One of the things I need to do to make my life easier is to have a menu plan. I’m not a cook, I’m a pull it out of the freezer or fridge and pop it into the microwave kind of mom. To help me try and be a little healthier and a little more …

Healthy Recipes Lunch

The Fastest Chicken Salad in the West

I’m known for quick and easy around the kitchen. I just don’t enjoy cooking. I found a recipe similar to this a while back and now I have my own version that is a staple in my house. Are you ready it’s so quick and easy you will be surprised! Are you ready for the …

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