putting the pieces of life back together

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Project 52: Sharing Imperfection


One of the points of this project is to not portray yourself as perfect. Life isn’t perfect and one of your goals when taking photos should be showing your life. And when you share an imperfect moment in your life with your photos you suddenly become more real to your audience.

Today has been a day of fun and frustrations.

Laying in bed this morning I realized that I was supposed to take some files over to the church for printing and then looked outside to see the rain and realize my husband has the car.

I started working on making some table number card holders for an event I’m helping with at the church to realize I was out of salt and cream of tarter halfway through the project.

So I decided we will make this fun! I bundled the boys in their new rain gear and we went to the church, went to the store, and went and had a pizza date!

I got home fought with the card holder project till I was completely exasperated at making a mess and with nothing to show for it. Have to love when I project doesn’t turn out how you want.

I then sat down to relax realized that Lynda had sent me the linky for Project 52 and I hadn’t found a good time to take a shot. Sigh.

Then I knew what I would do. I pulled out the camera and showed off my imperfections. Showing off my messy kitchen with the sad results of a bad end to a project. Sharing myself with makeup rinsed off with rain, hair that needs a haircut. And lastly giving you a smirk to show you I’m not always in the perfect mood.


Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are putting up a new linky every Monday and inviting you to participate in this project with us. I hope you will join us!

This month we are taking a break from themes, so just pull out your camera and start snapping your photo!!

You have a full week to link up with us. There are only two rules:

  1. You should share a recently taken self-portrait
  2. The link should be the absolute URL of your photo or entry, not a link to your homepage. Links to Flickr pages are fine!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.

Most Recent Video

Day at the Beach

We spent the day at the beach Monday. We planned for lots of rain, this is the Oregon Beach. We got the boys boots and Zarek a raincoat. There was actually only a little rain in the morning, when we went to ride the carousel and when we came out it was dry!


Feeling Convicted

It was one of those days. My mother in law was over watching the boys while I worked online.

As usual Zane was trying to play us against each other. Obviously the rules are not as strict when Mommy isn’t at home, but that is another story.

I can be thankful my MIL is great about making sure my word is the last when I am home.

Back to the story.

Zane was crying because I had told him no. And with tears in his eyes he turned around and walked straight into the corner of the counter right into his eye.

Both my MIL and I went straight to him. I held him and cooed at him. My MIL went straight to praying for his booboo.

I felt convicted. I was just at a parents conference and I had even written in my notes to pray for the boys scraps and bruises with them no matter how small and big.

I knew this was a small reminder to me. God’s way of whispering this is important.

What has God whispered to you recently? What has God taught you through your children?


Happy Belated New Year!

I know I was gone the whole month of December, did you miss me? I have missed you, but December was a hard month for me. I was working a lot and I was having a lull in my business and I was incredibly stressed over Christmas. All of this added in to just needing …

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