putting the pieces of life back together

Showing: 19 - 24 of 79 RESULTS

Project 52: April 26

Last week we actually got some sunshine, it has been one of the coldest springs in a long, long time. We took the opportunity to go to the park! Have you gotten a chance to enjoy the sunshine this spring?

I got on the swings and I loved it. It brought me back to my childhood. I loved the swings, the feeling of freedom and falling. I quickly realized this would be a fun photo as I was snapping dozens of the boys, but none of me.


Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are not going to be putting up the linky anymore, but still want to invite you to participate in this project with us. I hope you will join us!

This month we are taking a break from themes, so just pull out your camera and start snapping your photo!!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.

This is the challenge take a photo of yourself!


What to wear to an entrepreneur event?

As you may have noticed if you visit here often that I’m losing weight. On top of that I’m going to an entrepreneur event today so that meant I needed to go shopping!

I decided I wanted to wear my Target leggings which are super comfy and cute. I have them in gray and black not sure which I’m going to wear.

I wanted to add my striped cardigan from Lane Bryant, because I think it’s cute, it’s not too heavy or too light and it hides things.

But after those two items, I had nothing! Most of my shirts are worn, too loose, too tight, or proof that I’m a Mom with tiny hand prints gracing them. I couldn’t show up in just leggings and a cardigan sweater!

I ran out to the mall, the boys (hubby included) played in the play area while I shopped. I finally found what I needed a cute fuchsia top that I had eyed Lane Bryant’s website and loved! I quickly snapped it up. I also ordered it in teal blue and grabbed up some needed cute panties to be able to use my $25 off $75 coupon.

Did I mention that my fuchsia shirt matches my business cards! I know I’m crazy like that.

But alas my shoes were in no shape after a very long, wet winter. I pouted to my hubby and bribed him to take me to DSW shoes, which was my first time there. As we parked he asked me if I could be done in five minutes. Really?

But I flew through the store and found the perfect spring/summer shoe. It will work for dress up or dress down, I got it in black so it will go with everything! On top of that they are so super comfy! It’s been a long time since I bought a pair of designer shoes. I have to take good care of them, so hubby sees I just need to buy nicer shoes, that I go through shoes like crazy because they are cheap!


Project 52: April 18

I know Lynda and I both missed a week this month. Our lives are so full, as I’m sure you can understand, spring seems to bring this on for everyone. I hope you will forgive me. 😉

Of course I didn’t get a chance to take photos of me this weekend, the weather was nasty so no decent light. Today of course I didn’t get my usual get around time as Zarek woke up early. So blah hair and little, or maybe no (can’t remember) made me have to become creative in the picture department today.

I couldn’t decide which picture I liked better so you get two, making up for last week. This photo I like because you can see the green rings in my eyes:


I’m really not sure how good the shadow pictures turned out but I tried something different and it may be fun to look back at when Zane is taller than me.

me, my shadow & i

Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are not going to be putting up the linky anymore, but still want to invite you to participate in this project with us. I hope you will join us!

This month we are taking a break from themes, so just pull out your camera and start snapping your photo!!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.


Love Homework: Post It!

ManWifeDog invited me to a great new link up she has created: The Love Homework Linky Party. I am excited to join in. I have been having such a crazy week, okay month, that I know my poor little hubby is starting to feel a little neglected. I thought that this would be a great way to get a reminder to give him a little more love and would be a great way to get some new ideas.

This week’s challenge was easy:

Write a little message on a post it for your husband and leave it somewhere you know he’ll find it. What did you write? What was his reaction? Did it spark any interesting conversation?

What did I write?

It took me a little bit to figure out what I wanted to write on my note and I wasn’t super creative, but that’s okay I can’t be miss creative all the time!

TJ was going to stop on his way home to grab dinner for us, because I was hosting #commenthour yesterday evening. I really appreciate how much he does these evening that I host the chat. He gets the boys away and gives them their bath and puts them to bed on these evenings. Which a lot of wives talk about how their husbands just don’t understand this online world and he is so understanding about it. My online presence is a lot about my business and helping me grow it.

This made me want to let him know how much I appreciate his support with my business. He is my constant cheerleader as I try to grow my business!

So I quickly jot down on the note, “Thank you for supporting me in my business! <3 you so much!” and I placed the post it on our door where he would find it as he brought in the dinner.

What was his reaction? What was the conversation?

He right away asked me why I left the note. I let him know how much I appreciate him and his support. I let him know that even little things like picking up dinner mean a lot to me and really help me out. He had a goofy smile like I was silly to thank him for something he thought was so small.

He asked me if I really did feel like he was supporting me and this surprised me. I had always thought he had known how much I rely on him for support and that he was a huge support. But I must not say it enough or maybe I haven’t said it before. I suddenly was so happy I had left the post it note because it had told him something that I thought he had already known. Now he knows that he really is a support and that I even see the small things as so helpful.

So, thank you, ManWifeDog, I really appreciate your invite because even this little small thing really did help my husband and helped us communicate something that I thought had already been said!

As far as my other readers I hope you will join in! You might be surprised at what you find out in your marriage. You might have an aha moment just as I did! What is something you think you take advantage for in your relationship with your husband that he may need to hear from you?


Project 52: Sharing Imperfection


One of the points of this project is to not portray yourself as perfect. Life isn’t perfect and one of your goals when taking photos should be showing your life. And when you share an imperfect moment in your life with your photos you suddenly become more real to your audience.

Today has been a day of fun and frustrations.

Laying in bed this morning I realized that I was supposed to take some files over to the church for printing and then looked outside to see the rain and realize my husband has the car.

I started working on making some table number card holders for an event I’m helping with at the church to realize I was out of salt and cream of tarter halfway through the project.

So I decided we will make this fun! I bundled the boys in their new rain gear and we went to the church, went to the store, and went and had a pizza date!

I got home fought with the card holder project till I was completely exasperated at making a mess and with nothing to show for it. Have to love when I project doesn’t turn out how you want.

I then sat down to relax realized that Lynda had sent me the linky for Project 52 and I hadn’t found a good time to take a shot. Sigh.

Then I knew what I would do. I pulled out the camera and showed off my imperfections. Showing off my messy kitchen with the sad results of a bad end to a project. Sharing myself with makeup rinsed off with rain, hair that needs a haircut. And lastly giving you a smirk to show you I’m not always in the perfect mood.


Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are putting up a new linky every Monday and inviting you to participate in this project with us. I hope you will join us!

This month we are taking a break from themes, so just pull out your camera and start snapping your photo!!

You have a full week to link up with us. There are only two rules:

  1. You should share a recently taken self-portrait
  2. The link should be the absolute URL of your photo or entry, not a link to your homepage. Links to Flickr pages are fine!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.


Comment Cocktail Hour: The Aftermath

Some of you lovely ladies may be wondering what happened with the Comment Cocktail Hour last Wednesday. Well, we were all set, things were flowing smoothly in the chat as people came popping up as they were signing in. Then it happened, it all crashed.

First, people suddenly were being tossed into the shadows and then the chat all came tumbling down around us as the site crashed.

Yep, you ladies crashed SITS! Can you believe it?

Then the scramble started. We quickly ran over to twitter. I had half mentioned Twitter to Jenny, that we should have a back up plan and we should choose a twitter hash tag. Luckily Jenny got word that the @SITSgirls had gotten some people together under the hashtag #cocktail.

We slowly rallied people there, as Jenny encouraged people to keep joining up with the group and helped with some of the mayhem, I quickly wrote a note in the forum to try and help more people find there way. Little did I know some of you may not even been able to get to the forum as the whole site had crashed not just the

I know that you could tell we were scrambling like mad ladies trying to figure out how to get twitter to work the same way we had planned to get the chat to work.

Jenny and I had luckily had google chat open to be able to “talk” while the show was going so we were still connected even with the crash.

Jenny started out our “tutorial” we had created to show you how the plan would work, while I took our master list of names and links and tried to figure out who had made it to twitter.

I was trying to match names or URLs to twitter handles and highlight them on the list for Jenny to be able to call. Jenny realized that I was a quicker typist and we switched roles, she started calling out names and I started calling the links.

There would be long pauses when we would go through the list looking for the next link and have 5 to 10 people missing, which isn’t surprising with the sudden change in venue. Some people were begging for the next link and we were desperately looking for that next link.

We hit our first hour and had only made it through a few links, so we asked if the ladies were willing to hang out and keep commenting. We moved onto a second hour of links. Slowly people had to leave and then the evening came to the end. We had called out 35+ links!

What an amazing evening and so much fun. We are excited to try it again, we hope you are too.

We have talked to the very lovely SITSgirls and have been trying to figure out how to move the chat to twitter. For a chat system that would work on the SITS site we would be looking at a month or so to get it set up, so instead we are moving to twitter.

We are hoping to have all kinds of great information on how the chat will work. Also we will be sharing how to use twitter for any new tweeters out there.

Stay tuned Tuesday, the new Comment Cocktail Hour post will be up at SITS and be ready for some great fun. While you wait we would love to hear your feedback on CCH.

Birthday Christmas Crafts Easter Crafts Father's Day Crafts Free Printables! Mother's Day Crafts St Patricks Day Crafts Valentine's Day Crafts
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Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
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