One skill in blogging that is forgotten or ignored is the skill of commenting. Making a comment that is eye catching, insightful, and engaging will help you build your community. Yes even going onto a blog that is not your own you can work on your community. Comments are a place that you can get interaction with others and create a following on your social media profiles, blog and more.

To create the perfect comment you need 5 tools. These 5 tools can help you become an expert commenter!


Not the most important part of your comment but still can make or break a connection with the author or other readers. If you don’t have a good photo or an eye catching photo you may be looked over as a nameless, faceless visitor.

If you use the same photo as with your other media, you may find that others start recognizing you. If they recognize you they will be more inclined to interact with you. You may get even more interaction from an author if you make a point to always comment on their most current post. If you are using the same photo for comments that will make sure they recognize your comments right away.

To make sure your photo will show up on your comments and make it easily updated make sure and have a gravatar account. When you update your social media photos make sure you update gravatar also.


You always, always want to enter your URL correctly on your comments. But remember your URL is there for more than just getting people to hope over to your site. This is a place people can check  out your expertise on the subject you are talking about and to give you credibility!

If you make a really good comment but don’t leave a link why they should listen to you on the subject? You could just be another online troll or just spam. If you are commenting on a post in your niche and if you are really looking for interaction then you need to prove your expertise.

Input (Answer Their Question)

If the blogger you are reading is a good blogger then they have finished their article with a question or a major conversation starter. Make a point and answer their question or to get into their conversation. They are looking for a way to interact with you. With this question or point they have given you the quickest and easiest way to start a conversation.

Now if the blogger didn’t leave off with a question you still want to give your input. If you are leaving a comment this is the most important step in leaving a good comment. What was it about their article that caught your eye and made you want to comment?


The next step is one that digs deeper than just giving input, give the writer your insight into their post. Share an experience or suggestion with them that shows your experiences with the subject. You want to share something that adds to their post. This could be a quick story, a tip, or maybe a point that they missed

If they missed a point in their post that you think is important don’t wave it in their face as a mistake. Come at it as you want to help or expand what they were already talking about.


One of the largest missed opportunities in making a comment is to ask a question. If you are wanting to truly interact with the writer or other readers then finish your comment with a question. One reason people love comments or commenting is they really are looking to get involved in a conversation. Asking a question will encourage others to comment right back at you.

When you ask a question you need to either make sure you subscribe to the comments or check back so that you can see the answer to your question and hopefully you can continue the conversation.

Time to Try it!

So what are you waiting for, go out and start commenting! Try using these 5 tools and see how they work for you. I promise you will be surprised at the difference good comments can make in your interactions on other blogs, your follows, and on your own blog!

Do you have a system for your comments? Have you ever gotten into a great conversation via comments before?

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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