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Say Bye Bye to the Summer Blogging Blues

I’ve talked to a few friends and acquaintances this past week about how the internet seems quiet. Less conversations on twitter, fewer updates on Facebook, and blogs are updating slower. Google+ even seems quieter.

This has even effected me as I posted this on my wall the other day to let my followers know I was still there:

Awe my poor social networks you have been deprived of my love, but what to expect when there is a day full of sun beckoning me outside. Especially with a week with the hubby at home. Filled our week with so much fun, I’ll be sharing the hundreds of photos soon, then maybe you will feel less neglected.

This is not just a summer effect. Sometimes when you start working too hard you may run into blogger burnout.

What do you do when this starts effecting your blog? How do you get yourself going again? How do you get out of the blogging blahs?

Take a Blogging Vacation

It’s okay if you need to step back from your blog and take a break. I don’t recommend just abandoning your blog with no word to your readers. Maybe write a short note to them about needing a break. What would be best is to take a break but still have some posts coming up on your blog. But how do you do this?

Try to post just once a week, maybe even write these 4 posts in one sitting. Schedule these posts out for the month and step away from the computer for the month.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Next time you really feeling the blogging groove, write 4 extra posts and save them for a rainy blog day. Try and make sure that you have 5-10 extra posts saved as drafts for days you don’t feel like posting, emergencies, or for blogging vacations[/box]

Another option is to do a quick call for guest bloggers to come in to fill the gap. You can still slow down your posting  schedule, but have it set up so that others are doing the writing for you. This will fill in the gap at your blog.

Write on Paper

Sometimes blogging blues really are your brain giving you a clue you need a break from the computer.

We sit in front of it all day and it starts feeling like a chore. This is the time to pull out an old journal and start writing on paper.

Start small just doodle for a while or just start writing a list of headlines and blog post ideas. Don’t write full posts right away just little short jots.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Make sure and take this time you are away from your blog and go outside. The great outdoors will revive you and fill you with inspiration. Take a walk to a small park and just sit down and write.[/box]

The next step is to start making some list posts. Just write the idea and then the list not all the context just the basic list. Make a few of these post. The idea is to take slow baby steps back to blogging.

Before you know it you may be itching to get back to the computer.

Revisit Old Posts

Look back through your blog and read some of your old posts. You may find yourself inspired. This is a great way of reminding yourself why you are blogging and why you love blogging so much.

You might find that you have a post that you want to write more about or break it up and write a more detailed post on each major point of the post.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Find an old post that you loved. Write a few sentences about why you loved the post and repost the original content. This is a quick and easy way to get content up for your readers. You may be surprised at how many people may have missed it. Or if they did read it before they may talk about how the post effected them.[/box]

Challenge Yourself

Sometimes with blogging blues, just like weight loss, running and pain, you just have to work through it. You have to push yourself to keep writing.

But how do you do this?

Find a month long challenge, it could be a photo challenge (31 days to a Better Photo, 30 day Photo Challenge), a blogging challenge(31DBBB, 30 Day Blog Challenge, National Blog Posting Month), or find a challenge for something else you are really interested in. This will give you prompts to keep writing, just don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day just keep going.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Challenges are a great time to find a blogging buddy and have someone to help encourage you and cheer you on. Blogging buddies are a great also because you don’t want to let them down.[/box]

If you don’t want to do 30 days straight find a few memes that you want to join. The Daily Meme has some good lists or just do a call out to your blogging friends for some of their favorites. You may be surprised at the number of them out there!

If you don’t find a challenge that you like or a meme on a subject you want to post on then make your own! Start inviting your friends to join you. If you have others relying on you to get your post up you will make the extra effort to get it up.

Find 10 new blogs to read

If you are just feeling uninspired and don’t know what to write about. Take a day to just blog hop. Find at least 10 new blogs you love to read and spend some time on them. Read them everyday for a week and take the extra time to comment on their post.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Not sure where to start to find some new blogs to read? Check out #commenthour.Every week 25 blogs are featured in a one hour twitter chat. You can also sign up to get your blog featured. [/box]

What you may find is that they are talking about something you want to talk about on your blog. If you find yourself writing a super long comment turn around and make it a blog post as a reply to their post. Make sure and give credit back to them for inspiration and quote them if you can.

You may find that you find a new blogging buddy or at least find a new zeal for blogging.


No matter what you do take the time sit back and look at your blog. Remember why you loved blogging in the first place. Everybody runs into these road blocks in the creative community, the best thing is to relax and wait for the next wave of inspiration to hit.

Have you experienced blogging burnout? Have you found it hard to keep up with your blogging schedule this summer? How did you overcome this challenges? 


Take the time to Thank Someone Today

I ran into the Target pharmacy to pick up the prescription I had called in hoping to just run in and out. I watched as an older lady talked to an older gentleman pharmacist waiting for my turn. The woman opened up the bottle and poured its contents into her hand making sure they gave her the right pills.

She threw the bottle down on the counter and the gentleman stepped away.  A problem was brewing, I thought to myself and sighed as a second person lined up behind me.

The gentleman asked me my name and I happily gave it to him, maybe it was going to be quicker than I thought.

One of the young pharmasists came down and started ringing up the the older lady.

“She will ring you up in just a second,” the gentleman said. I realised he either didn’t know how or wasn’t allowed to use the cash register. I gave him a smile, I’m happy to be patient, it was nice of him to grab my bag for me.

He piles up the bags of the customers lined up behind me.

My attention is back to the older lady. She grabs out a sack of potatoes from her half full cart, “Can you ring up the rest of this too?”

Seriously? I think as I survey her cart half filled with everything from produce to a bra.

“I would normally but since we have a line I really can’t.” The young girl replied.

“Well I expect you to at least ring this up.” I’m not sure if she was speaking of her prescription or another pharmacy item, but she threw it at the girl.

At that point I made a decision, I wanted make sure that the girl knew that I appreciated her refusing to ring the lady up. I didn’t want her to have her last experience with her good customer service decision to be the negative reaction of that woman.

As the girl typed in my order I stated, “I wanted to thank you for refusing to ring her up.”

“What?” She was obviously caught off guard by my statement and I repeated myself. We smiled at each other and she said, “I just find that rude to even ask.”

What’s your point?

So what is my point behind this story? Sometimes you need to stop and thank someone. What they may have done may have been small or simple to do. Yet if you take the time and reward their good deed with a simple thank you, you may make their day. You may make a lasting impression. They may be more likely to do the right thing again.

Blogging Society

Has this been lost in the blogging world? Has technology and busy-ness stopped us from taking the time to stop and thank others?

Sure you can tweet a “TY”, but what impression can you make with someone if you stop and write a blog post thankimg them. Try this and see what happens. Take the time and encourage someone straight from your blog. I think you will not only create an impression on them, not only will you create an advocate for your blog, but you may even make a friend.

My Thank You’s

I’m dedicating this post to Lynda from Daily Window and Kim from Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier. Both of these ladies have been great online friends and have been a great encouragement to me as I grow my blog. These ladies are wonderful and I hope you will take some time and visit them.

Getting Healthy Menu Planning

Master Grocery List

My homework this month has been to create a Master Grocery List as I’m still trying to learn to get beyond my struggles with menu planning. I am doing my master grocery list on 3×5 cards because I’m making a tool box all on 3×5 cards. It includes recipes, things that are working for me, motivating quotes, and hopefully soon I will include exercise routines.

Next week I hope to be announcing a great new event that I will be having on PepperScraps. Make sure and subscribe so you don’t miss out!

Android Family

4 Android Apps to Help Bloggers

I have a full home screen dedicated to blogging on my tablet. This is where I keep some of my organization apps, but also a few specific apps I use just for blogging.


WordPress has a very basic app that you can use to see your comments, comment back, add or edit posts, and add or edit pages. What’s nice is you can have multiple blogs too.

This is a must-have app if you are blogging on WordPress. If you find yourself stuck at a doctors office or waiting in the car for your kids to be let out of school. You can take some time to write or edit your posts.



One thing I always recommend for a new or experienced blogger is to make sure and setup their Google Reader. This is a way to keep up to date on blogging trends, learn more from professional bloggers, and to keep up with your blogging tribe.

I like Newsrob the best for keeping up with my reader because it will download the feeds onto your device so you don’t have to have an internet connection to read blogs. I love being able to read blogs while my husband is driving!

Another nice feature is when you do have an internet connection and you run into a feed that is only a excerpt then you can click a button you can switch web mode and see the full article.

Thinking Space

When you are either just brainstorming for your blog in general or if you are brainstorming for a specific post then you will enjoy Thinking Space. If you haven’t tried mind mapping for blogging I highly recommend trying it.

How do you start? Find your most popular post and write the title in the center circle. Now start writing ideas on how to go into more details about the post, write down questions you had in your comments, and write ideas you have that for list posts you might be able to make from the post. As you keep writing these ideas around the main circle look and see if you can break off and add more than just one post from a question or an idea. You may be surprised at how many ideas you can get from just one post.

Actually just as I’m writing this post I’m realizing I can break off more ideas for blogging. One example being “How mind mapping can give you 50 ideas!”


You may have seen this app in the organizational apps post, but today I wanted to talk about it again and share how I specifically use it for blogging. This is my favorite blogging idea app! This app has been the quickest and easiest ways for me to “jot” down my ideas.

How to:

I have a note pinned to my blogging home screen that is a checklist. When I come up with an idea for a post I quickly open this note and add new item with my idea on it. This is really great when I’m brainstorming headline ideas while at the doctor’s office also. When I get a chance to sit down to my computer and enter the headlines and ideas into my computer I cross them off my list.


Do you have a favorite app as a blogger? Do you use your phone or a tablet for blogging?


A Craft a Day

A Craft a Day: I is for Ice Cream

Of course I had to be all about ice cream, especially with summer finally choosing to grace us with it’s presence in Oregon. But summer and playing outside is distracting us from our crafts, so we only did half of them this week. That’s okay we still had fun!

If you are new to A Craft a Day

A Craft a Day gives you five activities that you can enjoy with your kids, one for each day of the week.  Most of these activities work well for preschoolers, but you may be able to adapt them for your toddler.

You can learn more about the basics of a Craft a Day Here.

I will post the crafts on Saturdays so you can use the weekend to get any supplies that you may need. We are making our way through the alphabet this year so if you missed a letter you can find it here.

The Crafts:

  • Homemade Ice Cream In Baggies – Loved doing this! What a great snack to make! Though I recommend with young kids have a helper on hand. Neither boy was good at shaking so I got pretty cold keeping both bags going. LOL


  • I Spy Bottle – Do you remember the rainbow rice? Well here we are using it for an I activity. (I know not ice cream related, but oh well.)


  • Ice Cube Art – Since the weather finally turned warm in Oregon I decided this was the perfect time to try out ice cube water colors. I’ve seen it other places besides the ice cream cone template here, but thought this was just perfect!
  • Puffy Ice Cream Cones – I wanted to do this so much, but with summer comes many other fun things to do. I will put it back in my idea drawer and use it again.
  • Pretend Play Preschool Ice Cream Store – I used the cocoa recipe linked here, but otherwise used my favorite playdoh recipe to make up our “flavors”. Just earlier this week Zane asked me to do playdoh so this was perfect.

Supplies: sugar, half and half, vanilla, coarse salt, ice, gallon ziploc, quart ziploc, all kinds of small items, rainbow rice, glue, camera, hole punch, ribbon or binder ring, ice cream tray, food coloring, popsicle sticks, glue, shaving cream, cream of tartar, flour, salt, oil, cocoa powder, mint extract, strawberry koolaid, vanilla, food color, plastic containers, Elmer’s Glue, printed labels, ice cream scoop

Are you Supermom?

Now I’m not supermom and I don’t expect you to be either. We don’t always get to each activity, sometimes life is just too busy. Hopefully you may try one or two of these activities with me and my kids! You don’t have to do every single one. You don’t have to be doing preschool with your child. I just hope to give you a resource for some great fun with your kids!

Be Featured

If you do any of these crafts and happen to take a picture or write a blog post about it please make sure and share your link in the comments. Also don’t forget to link the original crafter! I may feature you and your blog  on the following weeks post!

Basics Blogging How to Start a Blog

How to Find and Add Photos to your Posts

Photos can make or break your post. Humans are a very visual. Two of the first things that will draw your visitors to your post is your title (headline) and your photos.

How do you make your image draw a visitor in? By making sure you use a high quality and relevent photo. But where do you get these photos and how do you place them correctly.

Use your own photos!

Get your camera out and learn a few good tricks about photography. Find a book or ebook, take a class, or follow a beginner photography blog. But make sure that you only choose high quality photos.

Creative Commons Licensed Photos

BlueberriesBy quacktaculous

Creative Commons licenses are several copyright licenses that allow the distribution of copyrighted works – Wikipedia

If you want to learn more about Creative Common Licenses Lynda from Daily Window gives the best description and instruction I have read!

The best collection of creative commons photography can be found on Flickr’s Creative Commons.

One of the most important things to be aware of with creative commons is that you need to make sure and give credit for the photo. This is very important and if you do not do this you are stealing the original photographers artwork.

Find Royalty Free Photos

found here

Some photographers and designers are happy to share their work and offer it royalty free with no credit necessary. The only warning with these sites is that you want to make sure that the site you are using is legitimate! Make sure and read their terms of service.

One of my favorite sites that is free to find photos is stock.xchg. This site is easy to use, has great images, and the fine print is easy to find and understand. (The ones you can use with out linking back state: Standard restrictions apply.)

Word of Warning

Word of warning do not use google images as a source for your photos. It may seem an easy option to find photos through Google Images, but very few of the images are free for you to download and use even with credit.

Also never ever hotlink an image from another domain. Flickr does give you the code to insert the image so this is allowed. But any other site you are not allowed to take the URL of the image and paste it into your post. Or just copy the image and paste it in the image straight into your post. This is called a hotlink and you are stealing bandwidth from someone else.

5 Tips to Perfect Photo Placement:

  1. Know the size of your post area on your blog (400px, 600px, etc)
  2. Place your first photo in the same place on all posts (top center, aligned to the left or aligned to the right)
  3. Don’t use small images (try to make your top photo always the same size)*
  4. Don’t ever re-size your image larger! (You can make it smaller though)
  5. Do not let any photos hang over the edge of your post area

*How to Resize your Image

How to change the size of your image with a little html so that your photo fits. Remember don’t ever re-size your image larger always make it smaller or else you will lose the quality of your photo!

Your image is placed in your post with a small html tag (if you are using WordPress click the HTML tab to see this tag). Here is an example:

<img src=”http://YourDomain.com/YourImage.jpg” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”303″ />

To make your image fit inside your post area and not hang over you have to know the size of your post area (mine is around 450px). Change the width of the photo to be smaller than your posting area and take out the height all together. If you do not take out the height your image will get a warped look to it. Here is what your example would look like after being changed:

<img src=”http://YourDomain.com/YourImage.jpg” alt=”” width=”425″ />


I hope this helped you learn more about photos and your posts. Photos are a really important part of blogging. Make sure you get comfortable with using photos and using your tools to find them!

Where is your favorite place to get photos for your posts?

Birthday Christmas Crafts Easter Crafts Father's Day Crafts Free Printables! Mother's Day Crafts St Patricks Day Crafts Valentine's Day Crafts
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Easy Owl Donuts!
Free Printable Star Wars Valentines
Appetizers Baking Bentos Beverages Breakfast Dessert Dinner Kids Lunches Lunch Salads Side Dishes Snacks Soups
Healthy Broccoli Salad
Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
Easy Owl Donuts!