I’ve talked to a few friends and acquaintances this past week about how the internet seems quiet. Less conversations on twitter, fewer updates on Facebook, and blogs are updating slower. Google+ even seems quieter.
This has even effected me as I posted this on my wall the other day to let my followers know I was still there:
Awe my poor social networks you have been deprived of my love, but what to expect when there is a day full of sun beckoning me outside. Especially with a week with the hubby at home. Filled our week with so much fun, I’ll be sharing the hundreds of photos soon, then maybe you will feel less neglected.
This is not just a summer effect. Sometimes when you start working too hard you may run into blogger burnout.
What do you do when this starts effecting your blog? How do you get yourself going again? How do you get out of the blogging blahs?
Take a Blogging Vacation
It’s okay if you need to step back from your blog and take a break. I don’t recommend just abandoning your blog with no word to your readers. Maybe write a short note to them about needing a break. What would be best is to take a break but still have some posts coming up on your blog. But how do you do this?
Try to post just once a week, maybe even write these 4 posts in one sitting. Schedule these posts out for the month and step away from the computer for the month.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Next time you really feeling the blogging groove, write 4 extra posts and save them for a rainy blog day. Try and make sure that you have 5-10 extra posts saved as drafts for days you don’t feel like posting, emergencies, or for blogging vacations[/box]
Another option is to do a quick call for guest bloggers to come in to fill the gap. You can still slow down your posting schedule, but have it set up so that others are doing the writing for you. This will fill in the gap at your blog.
Write on Paper
Sometimes blogging blues really are your brain giving you a clue you need a break from the computer.
We sit in front of it all day and it starts feeling like a chore. This is the time to pull out an old journal and start writing on paper.
Start small just doodle for a while or just start writing a list of headlines and blog post ideas. Don’t write full posts right away just little short jots.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Make sure and take this time you are away from your blog and go outside. The great outdoors will revive you and fill you with inspiration. Take a walk to a small park and just sit down and write.[/box]
The next step is to start making some list posts. Just write the idea and then the list not all the context just the basic list. Make a few of these post. The idea is to take slow baby steps back to blogging.
Before you know it you may be itching to get back to the computer.
Revisit Old Posts
Look back through your blog and read some of your old posts. You may find yourself inspired. This is a great way of reminding yourself why you are blogging and why you love blogging so much.
You might find that you have a post that you want to write more about or break it up and write a more detailed post on each major point of the post.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Find an old post that you loved. Write a few sentences about why you loved the post and repost the original content. This is a quick and easy way to get content up for your readers. You may be surprised at how many people may have missed it. Or if they did read it before they may talk about how the post effected them.[/box]
Challenge Yourself
Sometimes with blogging blues, just like weight loss, running and pain, you just have to work through it. You have to push yourself to keep writing.
But how do you do this?
Find a month long challenge, it could be a photo challenge (31 days to a Better Photo, 30 day Photo Challenge), a blogging challenge(31DBBB, 30 Day Blog Challenge, National Blog Posting Month), or find a challenge for something else you are really interested in. This will give you prompts to keep writing, just don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day just keep going.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Challenges are a great time to find a blogging buddy and have someone to help encourage you and cheer you on. Blogging buddies are a great also because you don’t want to let them down.[/box]
If you don’t want to do 30 days straight find a few memes that you want to join. The Daily Meme has some good lists or just do a call out to your blogging friends for some of their favorites. You may be surprised at the number of them out there!
If you don’t find a challenge that you like or a meme on a subject you want to post on then make your own! Start inviting your friends to join you. If you have others relying on you to get your post up you will make the extra effort to get it up.
Find 10 new blogs to read
If you are just feeling uninspired and don’t know what to write about. Take a day to just blog hop. Find at least 10 new blogs you love to read and spend some time on them. Read them everyday for a week and take the extra time to comment on their post.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Quick Tip: Not sure where to start to find some new blogs to read? Check out #commenthour.Every week 25 blogs are featured in a one hour twitter chat. You can also sign up to get your blog featured. [/box]
What you may find is that they are talking about something you want to talk about on your blog. If you find yourself writing a super long comment turn around and make it a blog post as a reply to their post. Make sure and give credit back to them for inspiration and quote them if you can.
You may find that you find a new blogging buddy or at least find a new zeal for blogging.
No matter what you do take the time sit back and look at your blog. Remember why you loved blogging in the first place. Everybody runs into these road blocks in the creative community, the best thing is to relax and wait for the next wave of inspiration to hit.
Have you experienced blogging burnout? Have you found it hard to keep up with your blogging schedule this summer? How did you overcome this challenges?
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