Last week, hubby got to go out crabbing with his brother and brought home 4 nice big crabs for us. Now I have never really torn a whole crab apart, but it actually wasn’t too hard. I got a good amount of yummy buttery meat and we were able to share some of the crab …
Pepper’s Planning to Eat Apr 2 – Apr 8
This week I had a fill at the beginning of the week, which means that I was on liquids and purees for most of the week. So this week I will only be sharing a few recipes. I hope you are enjoying these meal plans and enjoying this series. My hope is to help you …
What to Pack for a Healthy Get Away
Do you have a trip planned or going on a day trip with the family? One of the hardest things about going on a trip is making healthy choices. But if you prepare before your trip you can make sure that you can have a healthy get away. So let’s pack for your trip! Place …
Quinoa & Zucchini Frittata
Have you ever started making a recipe then messed it up so badly that you ended up making a completely new recipe? Well that happened to me today, but you know what it ended up being a good thing. (I’ve had many not end up so happy.) This is how I cam up with my …
You Capture | Fun
This weeks theme for You Capture was perfect, I knew exactly when I would get the photos: when we headed to the beach. Of course the rain came, but we quickly saved our plans by deciding to go to the aquarium!
Pepper’s Planning to Eat Mar 26 – Apr 1
This week I had a fill at the beginning of the week, which means that I was on liquids and purees for most of the week. So this week I will only be sharing a few recipes. I hope you are enjoying these meal plans and enjoying this series. My hope is to help you …
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