putting the pieces of life back together

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Shoot and Edit: Self Portrait Edited

As you may have noticed I started participating in a great little project Shoot and Edit and today is all about the edit.

The above picture is the original photo. I went through all of Ashley’s tutorials and learned some great new things to do with photoshop. Which I’m very excited about because I have had photoshop for a year now and I know I’m not using it to it’s full potential. I even only used 1 action, Florida by Everyday Elements, which as Ashley suggests is an awesome action!

So are you ready for the final outcome?

And this is the side by side…

What do you think?


Project 52: Raw (Unedited)

If I thought last weeks challenge was hard this one was even harder. I am very anxious about putting an unedited photo of me up. My skin isn’t perfect and I’m not the best photographer or subject. I started taking photos and realized they looked just like the rest of the photos in this series I needed to mix it up!

I decided to change up the angle and use my tripod (that I only use once in a while with  my video camera). I got some good shots, but I either was showing too much cleavage, you saw the legs of the tripod or my zit, lol. This is the best of the batch, raw (unedited):

Project 52: Raw

Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are putting up a new linky every Monday and inviting you to participate in this project with us. This week the linky is up at Lynda’s blog. I hope you will join us!

Each week has a new theme (though this is just a suggestion not a requirement). This was the schedule for March:

  • 2/28:  Raw (or unedited)
  • 3/7: Hidden
  • 3/14: Being Green
  • 3/21: Past & Present

You have a full week to link up with us. There are only two rules:

  1. You should share a recently taken self-portrait
  2. The link should be the absolute URL of your photo or entry, not a link to your homepage. Links to Flickr pages are fine!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.

Good to Wow Challenge

This week I’m going to try out a new challenge with my photos. I’m not a great photographer but I would love to learn more and it looks like Jill and Ashley have a great challenge and this week is self portraits!




The Story of The Comment Cocktail Hour

Once upon a time there was two gals in a chat talking about their new hang out, The SITS Forum. They enjoyed hanging out in the forum but something was missing. They noticed no one from their new hang out was visiting them on their blogs. They wanted to get to know these new friends and have these new friends get to know them better as well.

They remembered a time that they had participated in a fun little chat and how they would love to try something similar with their SITStas. They decided to create a twist on something old.

The idea was to get all the lovely ladies of the SITS community together one night a week to visit each other, get to know one another, to find new friends, and share their own little place on the internet.

That is how the Comment Cocktail Hour was born.

Love, Jenny & Pepper

Are you ready to join in?? Visit the SITS today for more details!


What is PSD Web Template Design?

After a year working on my business, Uniquehorn Designs, I have found my focus. I have found that my favorite projects are creating PSD Web Templates. I love the instant gratification I get using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create a beautiful layout.

What is a PSD?

The .PSD (Photoshop Document) … stores an image with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with maskscolor spacesICC profiles, transparency, text, alpha channels and spot colorsclipping paths, and duotone settings. – Wikipedia

I’m sure your eyes just glazed over, I know mine did reading that and I know exactly what it’s saying.

In basic terms a PSD is Photoshops file. When you save the file as a PSD you save each separate layer and the different aspects of those layers including transparency, special effects, and more. You can create a design where each shape, text element and photo is on it’s own separate layer and with the layers separated you can edit each element quickly and easily.

As an example I will use one of my images from my free valentine’s day printables:

Square Cupcake Topper

There are 3 layers in the PSD file of this image.

  1. The dark pink scalloped background
  2. The textured lighter pink box
  3. The XOs

I could quickly open the PSD file and change the colors of each item, I could change the font of the XOs, I could change the texture on the light pink box, or I could change what the picture said all together. But if I tried to do this with the JPG image file I would pretty much have to start over because all those elements have been smashed together.

What is a PSD Web Template?

A PSD Web Template is an un-coded web site. It has all the visual elements of the web site including the background, the images, the layout, the typography and more. But there is no HTML or CSS involved.

Each layer will have the different elements for the website. You will have a layer for the logo, the header, the content, the navigation (or multiple layers in a folder) and so on.

What do I like about PSD Web Template Design?

I know how to write HTML, CSS and some PHP but it is not my favorite part of designing a new website. It can take me days to get the coding just perfect on a website. You are constantly looking at code and then switching to the visual interpretation of the code, then back to the code again.

With PSD Web Templates I can just focus on the design, the beauty, and let someone else worry about the code.

There is something wonderful about finding a focus for my business and knowing exactly what I love and being able to do it: PSD Web Templates!

Photoshop Icon Image by Young Design

Project 52: Favorite Feature

I was a little stressed this week over the theme favorite feature – what is my favorite feature. I was actually surprised how hard it was to decide on a feature that I liked. I thought about my toes because I have cute short toes, but then I would need a pedicure to get a picture that I super liked. LOL

Then this morning it came to me my nose! I actually really like my nose. It’s small but not too small and I even have the a perfect little ridge for my nose ring to sit. Okay now I’m done talking about myself here is the picture:

Project 52: Favorite Feature

Join Project 52: Self Portraits

Project 52 self portraitsLynda (from Daily Window) and I are putting up a new linky every Monday and inviting you to participate in this project with us. This week the linky will be up a little late as we are looking for a good linkup tool.

Each week has a new theme (though this is just a suggestion not a requirement). This was the schedule for February:

The themes for March will be:

  • 2/28:  Raw (or unedited)
  • 3/7: Hidden
  • 3/14: Being Green
  • 3/21: Past & Present

You have a full week to link up with us. There are only two rules:

  1. You should share a recently taken self-portrait
  2. The link should be the absolute URL of your photo or entry, not a link to your homepage. Links to Flickr pages are fine!

If you want to use the Project 52 badge feel free and grab it and use it on your post. You don’t have to do every week with us you can post just once even and you don’t have to follow the weekly theme either. We just hope that you will join us for some fun.

Birthday Christmas Crafts Easter Crafts Father's Day Crafts Free Printables! Mother's Day Crafts St Patricks Day Crafts Valentine's Day Crafts
Eggshell Mosaics: E is for Earth & Eggshells
Easy Owl Donuts!
Free Printable Star Wars Valentines
Appetizers Baking Bentos Beverages Breakfast Dessert Dinner Kids Lunches Lunch Salads Side Dishes Snacks Soups
Healthy Broccoli Salad
Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
Easy Owl Donuts!