
You are one amazing guy! When we found out you were on your way we were nothing but surprised and excited. We had waited for you for so long and had finally come to terms of not having our own little ones. But you decided to come into our lives not one month later. God was so good to us!

You decided you liked your little home inside mommy and no matter what I did you decided to not make your debut. I walked and walked and I ate a whole pineapple. I ate spicy food and followed any advice I could to have you come out to join us, but to no avail.

You finally decided you wanted to join us the day after Easter, the day before your official eviction notice. But there were some scary moments when your heartbeat dropped into scary ranges so we decided to have you come into the world via c-section.

You have been an amazing boy to watch grow physically, mentally and spiritually. You are so smart, so talented and so loving!

Your first year we loved to see and enjoy your firsts. Rolling over, learning to crawl, your first smiles, first steps, and first words. Even then we could see your personality blooming into something wonderful.

You are so athletic and love to kick around the rugby ball with your uncle pat. You love to toss the ball and we have no idea where this came from. As both your daddy and I are not athletic at all and never even have sports on the tv.

You also love music like no one I have ever seen. You had one cd in particular that if I played it in the car no matter how tired or hungry you were you would just be quiet and listen. You love having your music and have learned many songs on your own. And again your mommy and daddy did not give you this talent. Mommy barely listens to music and Daddy is tone def, pretty much everyone on his side of the family is.

You are so very loving and this year you truly showed us how much at the arrival of your baby brother. The first experience with this was our first attempt to try and figure out how to get both of you out to the car. We decided to take you out first and suddenly you started crying out “Zarek” and grabbed his carseat trying to drag it out behind you. And even after getting to know him better and realizing you were going to have to share everything now you still love him. As he started to crawl up the stairs you grabbed ahold of him and cried out to granny to come and save him so he wouldn’t fall down the stairs. You are an amazing brother!!

Your daddy and I love you and so does Zarek. You are the star of our lives and we adore you and can’t wait to see what year 3 has in hold for you!

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Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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