Project 52 self portraits

Do you remember Project 52: Self Portraits in 2011? It was an amazing experience for me! The goal of the project was to take a photo of yourself every week.


New Inspiration!

I was inspired to do it again this year by a college friend. He was doing a Project 365 and he was encouraging people to take a photo of themselves every day. You can even see his video introducing his project.

Well he got an earful from a friend about how they didn’t like his project and how their Facebook feed was just pictures of Josh. He considered dropping the project, but then decided to switch it to a page instead. I loved his idea – because I knew his photos would be always funny, but also because he was putting himself out there. He was being bold and sharing a part of him.


My Goals

I wish I could do a 365 project, but a busy life as a Mom who works I just don’t always have my camera at hand. So my goal:

1 self portrait every week for the next 52 weeks! Who is with me?


But I Hate My Picture Taken!

If you hate pictures of yourself and are afraid to join in take these 2 steps:

  • Ask yourself 2 questions: why do I really dislike my own photos? Will this help with my self confidence?
  • Read Look Beyond the Picture and consider are there people in your life who may want photos of you now or later

Again I ask who is going to join me in this project?

Written by

Pepper Ferguson

Hi I'm Pepper. My family and I are sharing pieces of our lives.
We hope to inspire you by showing that even small changes can make the biggest differences in your life. You don't have to go to extremes to become healthy. Just do it one habit, one meal, one walk, and one hug at a time.

Let's work together one piece at a time making better habits, eating healthier, getting moving, and most of all loving our families.

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