putting the pieces of life back together

Showing: 13 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
Healthy Recipes Snacks

Toasted Cardamom Almonds

I purchased a bottle of Cardamom during Christmas to make some amazing cookies and I fell in love with the amazing taste this spice has. I’ve seen great recipes to make cocoa almonds, cinnamon almonds, or even peanut butter almonds. But I thought to myself, what a great way to use this new favorite spice! As I had people …

Family Time Getting Healthy

What to Pack for a Healthy Get Away

Do you have a trip planned or going on a day trip with the family? One of the hardest things about going on a trip is making healthy choices. But if you prepare before your trip you can make sure that you can have a healthy get away. So let’s pack for your trip! Place …

Getting Healthy

10 Things To Do Instead of Snacking

As I’m building my toolbox for success I decided I need to make this list. A list of things to do instead of snacking. Hopefully it will grow larger than 10 but let’s just start with that.

  1. Do quick strength training routine
  2. Take a walk
  3. Read a book to my boys
  4. Go outside and play with the boys
  5. Write a blog post about weight loss/being healthy
  6. Read a book or your google reader
  7. Drink a glass of water
  8. Paint my fingernails and toes
  9. Play a game on Android tab
  10. Write out recipes and organize them

I could keep going but I wanted to share the start of my list and challenge you to make one for yourself. If it helps you may want to put this on your fridge to look at each time you open the door.

Another suggestion that I thought was fun was to make a chart and put a sticker on the chart each time you don’t end up snacking. I’m considering doing this and have a set reward for when I fill up the chart. Maybe something like a new nail polish or lipstick. Or maybe a new kindle book.

I am excited to share this week I have lost a couple pounds so hopefully my plateau is over. We will see!

What do you do when the munchies strike?


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Spaghetti Squash with Peanut Sauce
Easy Owl Donuts!