Some days I feel like the world is falling in on me as I try and deal with the disorganization that lives in my house. I’m not a supermom or a superwife or a super-housekeeper. But I try. And so far we have all survived.
I’ve been trying really hard to get more organized. I realized that the disorganization that lives in my house is making me go crazy. If I feel overwhelmed with the way the house is I just don’t feel like doing anything. Which becomes a never ending cycle that makes it really hard to not be depressed and unproductive.
I’m a list and schedule kinda person, but sometimes I get off course. Okay more than sometimes, a lot. I want to find a system that will work for me and my family. Maybe you do to and maybe you will join me in my quest.
I’ve decided to do this small series on organization because it seems some of my readers were interested in my post about my Google Calendar. And also because that is one main goals I’m trying to get accomplished before we get swept up into the holiday season. So I hope you will enjoy these posts and participate with me.
One thing that has really helped me feel more motivated is doing a list of 3 MIT (Most Important Tasks) for the day. I find that once I get even one of these items off my to do list I feel more motivated. Sometimes I get even more than the three items done. But if I only get the three things done for the day I don’t feel guilty or discouraged at the end of the day I feel accomplished.
Later this week I will write more about my MIT and how I do my to do lists and the tools I use to do this.
I learned about MIT from simplemom this is a great blog if you haven’t read it before.
Organization feels so good when it gets done – but you really need to devote the time to get it done. Great heads up about the MIT.
Hi, I’m visiting from SITS. Love the green on brown design here.
I’m so with you on being disorganized, but I fear I couldn’t clean myself out of a paper bag if I had to.