This week I had a fill at the beginning of the week, which means that I was on liquids and purees for most of the week. So this week I will only be sharing a few recipes. I hope you are enjoying these meal plans and enjoying this series. My hope is to help you …
Menu Planning
Pepper’s Planning to Eat Feb 27-Mar 4
I recently started this new series on Pepper Scraps all about meal planning and eating healthier. I am also share how I am planning our meals with Plan to Eat. My goal is to share my meal plans with you to hopefully inspire you with your meals. I am on a high protein low carb diet and I …
Budgeting your Calories
One of the best things I have done to help my diet is to create a calorie budget for my day. I was given a plan from my nutritionist on how many calories to eat each day, but it can be frustrating when you get to the end of the day and realize you only …
Pepper’s Planning to Eat Feb 20th to 26th
Last week I shared with you about how I have been meal planning with Plan to Eat and how I want to share my meal plans with you to hopefully inspire you with your meal plans. Now I am on a high protein low carb diet and I am a big believer in healthy fat so do …
Pepper’s Planning to Eat
I have been fighting a hard battle with my Meal Planning. I hate meal planning, I bang my head on the computer as I sit and try to get the thing together. I’ve just started using Plan to Eat which has helped. I like that I can pull in recipes from anywhere online and that I can …
5 Healthy Android Apps
This is going to be one of my favorite android app posts. Getting healthy has been something I have been working very hard with this year and these apps have been some of the best tools I have had! I’m going to share with you some fitness apps, some food apps, and even an iPhone …
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