Zarek brought me this photo tonight as I lay across my bed exhausted. My day:
- started with making kids to do lists
- giving them loves
- heading to work to only sit there dwelling on all the things at home that need doing
- worked
- headed home to deal with state phone calls
- get home to ask if schoolwork is done knowing the answer
- try to take a half an hour to just breathe and get my first bites of food in,
- help Zane with the cat box
- get Zarek to empty the clean dishes
- get the kids on a zoom call with their grandma who’s in full isolation
- look at my homework but get distracted by ordering dinner
- get Zarek on his laptop to look at school
- find a mess that needs to be cleaned Zane takes the job with no questions
- sit down with Zarek to help with school to get pissed at the 30+ assignments for the week
- I finally get food served and eat my first meal
- serve the kids seconds
- sit down to help with Zarek and school again to get in a fight over it but get something turned in
- I message my boyfriend this isn’t fair to parents who still work
- I ask Zane and Zarek to hang clothes while I clean the kitchen
- do laundry
- I think 3 shirts got hung
- Zarek takes out the leaking garbage
- Zarek starts asking about where are the Amiibos and I snap that they are in their room that needs to be cleaned
I hear him digging through stuff as I lay on my bed just exhausted.
I looked at the photo he brought me and I cried and the boys and I hugged as we all talk about the stress of school and home life.
I still have a couple hours of school that is due tonight but Zarek brought me a glow stick to brighten me up.
This all starts again tomorrow.
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