I wanted to introduce you to Dane because you will be seeing and hearing about him a lot as I blog. Dane is our newest member of our family. How we met! Is it cliché that we met on Tinder? I was on a few apps to date and I will say that I didn’t …

What does Halloween Look Like for You?
Halloween looks a little different for us this year. But for us that is okay, the boys are getting older and traditions are just naturally changing for us. Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch I was really excited that the boys were up for the pumpkin patch this year. I know as they get older some …

It’s okay to say “I Am Overwhelmed”
Last night there was a usual fight over schoolwork but we had a breakthrough. We learned that it is okay to say “I am overwhelmed”. I feel like more of us need to say that right now. Life is overwhelming. Zarek’s teacher let me know that he was behind in his schoolwork. We talked about …

Brain Dump Blogging
The other morning I was laying on my bed thinking about how I missed journaling, just brain dumping everything I was feeling and thinking. Blogging used to be my journaling years ago. I thought to myself I need to do this again. I need to blog all my feelings, I need to see my feelings …

Let’s Take a Dream Trip
How are you? How are you really? Are you starting to feel the walls closing in? Are you starting to get stir crazy or cabin fever? Then try this mental exercise. You can approach this exercise two different ways. Imagine you are on your Dream Trip Find a quiet place to sit. Think about bringing …

A Day in the Life of a Single Mom with Social Distancing
Zarek brought me this photo tonight as I lay across my bed exhausted. My day: started with making kids to do lists giving them loves heading to work to only sit there dwelling on all the things at home that need doing worked headed home to deal with state phone calls get home to ask …